Saturday, August 28, 2010

Kate: Day 27 and a successful relay race behind me!

I still need to go for my run today (because I am not creative enough to think about what to do for "cardio" which is what is called for today), but, because Sebastian got a part time job at Jaques Wine Depot (Our favorite wine store EVER!!!!) and is gone right now, I am taking advantage of the quiet time to write.
Last Thursday some colleagues and I signed up for the Dresden Relay Challenge where 4 members on a team must run 3 km each...totaling 12 km. I was on a team with girls and we all ran it in about 16 minutes and took 10th place. (Out of about 15 teams...) :)
Here are some pictures!
Before the race:

My team:

Starting the race:

While I was gone, Sebastian made a new friend:

At the end about to hand off the baton:

After the race:

So far, so good! The weather here has dropped significantly. It's so chilly that you have to wear long sleeves outside already! What about for you, Anna? Any such luck?

Today Sebastian and I have been invited out to Sarah's birthday celebration at a nearby castle in Meissen! How fancy! So I need to go now to go for my run and then pick out which fancy gloves I will wear for the occasion. Love you all!!!!

1 comment:

  1. So impressed with you guys, in regards to your comment about Montana, I don't have school during the summer! I'll save up my vacay days and try to make a trip next year!!! :)
