Sunday, October 24, 2010

863rd place, baby!!!

But, come on, there WERE 8000 runners!

Today was the big day and, although, I was a little bit nervous beforehand, I was surprisingly calm.
I started off the day with a little warm up jog:

The number on my shirt here was NOT my predicted place at the finish line:

I told Sebastian that he could find me in the crowd by looking for my pink bandana...Can you find me?

This is the starting line. I wasn't at the front. I think that was reserved for the Kenyans and the olympic hopefuls. I guess I didn't make the cut.

And they're off!

Can you find the pink bandana again?

This picture is taken around 3 or 4 kilometers into the run. At this point I was still feeling very positive.

This picture is taken around the 20th kilometer. Trying to remain positive, but slightly more tired than in the previous picture.

But I continued that last 1.5 kilometers and FINISHED!!! With VERY tired legs.

There were LOTS of crazy fans after I finished who wanted my autograph. This is one of them:

I finally escaped the fans and got my certificate! I finished in 2hrs and 38min and came in 170th in my division (Women 25-35) and 863rd of about 4000! AND I got a sweet metal.

In the end, they decided not to award prizes for the fastest, but instead to the best looking. I was awarded first AND second place! And instead of a cash prize, I was awarded a bratwurst! I was a HAPPY RUNNER!

Thank you all for all your support over the past couple of months. I am so happy I finally did it and I have decided that I will probably just run a 10k next time.

Thank you, Sebastian, my mad fan for taking all the great pictures!

Tuesday, October 5, 2010

I haven't quit!

Despite what you might think from the inconsistencies of our blog...we are still going! Holy cow. Only three more weeks for me. I am freaking out! I have been really bad about running this past week, because there were so many things going on...Grades at school, insane terrential rain, and most importantly: My birthday! So, I have been a bit distracted. But, now I am back on the path to success. That is, until I leave for London on Saturday and have to go to a workshop the whole week. That cramps my plans a bit.
Anna, what about youuuuuuuu? How is it going? I am gonna call you right now :)